Cancellation policy

Cancellation Policy for 6 nights or less : No Refunds
Cancellation Policy for 7 – 28 nights : No Refunds
Cancellation Policy for 29 – 89 nights : No Refunds
Cancellation Policy for 90 nights and over : No Refunds


Key Features View All Facilities

  • Fortnightly

  • Wi-Fi

  • Fully Equipped Kitchen

  • Laundry Service

  • TV

  • Self Check-In

  • On-Site

  • Linen and Towels

Booking info

Check-in 4pm

Checkout 10am

Self Check In With Key Safe

Parking On-Site

facility carry charge Some features carry a charge prices

This map is for guidance and may not display the exact location of the property


Glendown Road
United Kingdom


Other Features

* Minimum Stay 7 Nights
  • no apartments found
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