Wellbeing – the new currency in this brave new world we are all learning to navigate. It’s important to take care of our mental and physical selves, whilst working for companies that place a high priority on supporting our wellbeing when we are working from home, back in the office or on the road.
What is Wellbeing?
Wellbeing can be defined as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy” by the Oxford English Dictionary. Whilst this definition is true, the concept is much greater. Wellbeing encompasses the feeling of satisfaction people feel with themselves and their lives.
It trickles down to how people feel and function, on both a personal and social level. It is also the view of how they evaluate themselves. There is no “one solution to fix all” as it can mean different things to each of us.

The Rising Importance in our Society
Over the past eighteen months, we have seen entire companies and organisations pack up their desks and move to working from home overnight. They are now feeling safer to reopen their office doors and get their employees back on the road. Time to make up for the damage Covid-19 had on the economy. These changes to the work environment will no doubt led to feelings of uncertainty and potentially impact wellbeing and may even cause stress.
Our aim is to provide you with insights into ways travellers can take care of their wellbeing, whilst being on the move. We also want to raise awareness of the role that employers and companies need to play in order to support people effectively when it comes to their wellbeing and safety.
There is a case for companies to actively manage their business traveller’s wellbeing, through nurturing human connections throughout travel. For companies, this can boost performance and career trajectories. Happier, well-rested, and healthy business travellers are more productive, present, and more likely to remain loyal to their organisations.
Over the course of the following weeks, we will be breaking down the topic as a whole and looking into subthemes such as:
- For employers – what are the legal bounds of duty of care and implication of the new ISO 31030 Business Travel standard coming into place later this year.
- For the Business Traveller – simple and practical tips to take care of their wellbeing.
- Sleep
- Diet & Exercise
- Mindfulness
And many more!
Keep an eye out on the SITU Socials and Blog page for more information and top tips around Wellbeing!