Reduce our scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions and aim for Net Zero by 2025
Invest in carbon reduction and alternative energy solutions
Work with our suppliers on their carbon emissions and sustainability practices
Be More Starfish.
Led by head and heart.
Get up to speed with Situ’s approach to ESG.
Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy is a clear set of promises, objectives, and actions.
What exactly are we doing? How are we collaborating, influencing, and educating our people, clients, partners, and suppliers?
At Situ we truly believe that a robust ESG policy is a crucial foundation for building a fair and sustainable future. We want to foster opportunity, safety, education, and fairness for all, both inside the company and with our wider stakeholder groups.
It’s a journey we’ve been on for several years – and there’s so much more we want to do!
But all journeys start somewhere. We have started – and will continue to help build a future we can all be proud of.
For more information about our ESG achievements and to get a preview of our future sustainability plans, download our most recent sustainability report below.
Big ambitions start here – we are making promises on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)!
Reduce our scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions and aim for Net Zero by 2025
Invest in carbon reduction and alternative energy solutions
Work with our suppliers on their carbon emissions and sustainability practices
Create a DE&I Advisory Board
Improve awareness of DE&I in the workplace
Report our gender pay gap
Identify, recognise, and champion our best-performing supply chain partners
Maintain best-in-class governance practices
Sustain long-term ESG commitments by integrating them into how we do business
Track progress to assess risk and drive decision-making as we work towards our business objectives
Let’s take a closer look at what Situ’s ESG approach looks like for all our Situ people – from stakeholders and clients to our staff, partners, and suppliers.
To be a catalyst for change across the extended stay accommodations sector, influencing, learning, sharing and working in collaboration with all relevant parties
To involve, educate and train our people to take action and make a difference in both their working and home lives
To understand requirements and priorities, assisting and enabling them to meet goals and targets
To establish quantifiable standards and best working practices that can be easily shared and understood by clients
To support and work with local and global organisations and charities, identifying ways we can assist some of the most vulnerable people
Don’t just take our word for it. Situ works with external partners and agencies and has earned certifications and validations. We have made a commitment to best-in-class governance practices, ensuring we work with accountability, integrity, and transparency in everything we do.
We work with the world’s largest and most trusted provider of sustainability ratings to evaluate. Measure and report on our ESG Performance.
We hold the standardisation framework of ISO certifications: ISO9001 to meet quality requirements. ISO 27001 to keep stakeholders’ information secure and ISO14001 to improve the impact on the environment.
We are proud to hold the Gold status accreditation from investors in People (IIP) thanks to our commitment to improve internal performance and realise our team’s objectives through good people management.
We have taking part in the UN Global Compact since 2019 – aligning our business with their 10 sustainability principles in relation to human rights, labour, environment & anti-corruption within our company practices.